Al Ghawas Restaurant address and number in Bangkok Thailand

If you are looking for a Halal Arabic restaurant in Bangkok Thailand, you can visit Al Ghawas restaurant.

Al Ghawas is a Khaliji Emirati restaurant that has several branches in UAE and a branch in Bangkok that is considered a popular touristic destination for many Arabs.

The address of Al Ghawas in Bangkok is Sukhumvit Street, Nana Area 3, Next to Grace Hotel

Their phone numbers are 006626557145 and 006626557146

Al Ghawas serves Majbous, Biryani, a variety of grills, Mandi, Ouzi and many other traditional dishes.

Al Ghawas Restaurant address and number in Bangkok Thailand

Al Ghawas Restaurant address and number in Bangkok Thailand

Al Ghawas Restaurant address and number in Bangkok Thailand

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