Price of Zinger Shrimpo meal in KFC Lebanon

For all shrimp lovers, you now have the chance to enjoy a yummy Shrimp meal in KFC which is the new Zinger Shrimpo.

You can choose the Zinger Shrimpo sandwich or the Zinger Shrimpo meal that consists of 10 pieces of fresh shrimp with KFC's Spicy Zinger Recipe, KFC's Special shrimp cocktail sauce,spicy dynamite sauce, fries, coleslaw and a fresh bun.

The price of the Zinger Shrimpo sandwich is 5,400 L.L and the price of the Zinger Shrimpo meal is 9,000 L.L.

KFC Lebanon home delivery number is 1277

Zinger Shrimpo meal by KFC
Zinger Shrimpo meal by KFC

Price of Zinger Shrimpo meal in KFC Lebanon

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