Logo of Mana'eesh Am Darweesh

 Mana'eesh Am Darweesh - Kuwait

About Mana'eesh Am Darweesh

Am Darweesh lived between 1858 & 1972 and was famous in Bilad Al Sham with his unique "Mana'eesh" which he served for sultans.

We launch Am Darweesh's History and a Brand carrying his name to the world starting from Kuwait and we bring you back his Mana'eesh like you've never witnessed before in a variety, flavor, style & a great value.

Our mission is to provide our customers with a unique & fashionable Arabic fast-food experience, that is generous, authentic and high in its quality and sensational value, creating a new arabic franchise that will expand internationally in the near future.

We also aspire to carry & transfer the middle eastern & oriental Arabic food culture to foreign countries by bringing them this part of our Arabic traditional cuisine served and packaged in style & value.

We believe that food is a cultural social activity that can be a tool by which cultures get to meet and fuse.

Contact Info of Mana'eesh Am Darweesh

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